Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Childlike Faith

This may become a reoccurring theme in my posts. God uses children to speak to us in profound ways. Obviously for me, it is most often my wonderful daughter. There have been many times that God shows me something about my relationship with him through my relationship with Caroline. The most recent lesson he has taught me is one about trust.

Caroline likes to play, whether it is with her Disney figurines or taking stuff (and by stuff I mean a wide variety of things from medicine droppers to socks) and putting it into and taking it out of various containers. She plays "Where'd she go?" (our version of peek-a-boo), "Daddy's gonna getcha", and many other games. In "Daddy's gonna getcha" she runs to and from Daddy and many times the games ends with her running to Daddy and throwing her self at me. I catch her and she then arches her back and throws her head back. This is a little scary, because recently she has started just throwing her self back when I am carrying her. Every time, I catch her and then she bursts into laughter.

As I was thinking about her this morning, it dawned on me how much trust she has. It is complete trust that says, "I will totally surrender control of myself." And why not? Daddy catches her every time. She hasn't ever been dropped.

I am sure you know where I am going with this, but here goes: Why do I find it so hard to trust my heavenly Father in this way? Why don't I surrender control of myself to him? Sure, I have had pain and bad experiences in my life, but God has never dropped me. He catches me every time. I hope that I can learn to be more like Caroline.


1 comment:

Rachel said...

That is a beautiful picture of surrender. It makes me think of a dance I saw one time where the girl threw herself without abandon into the arms of her partner. I've always been moved on a level I can't understand by that image, and this helped me to realize why.